Experience Summer at Botona Dahican Beach Resort at Mati Davao Oriental

Summer is the time of the year wherein sun perks out at its maximum height. And what better way to enjoy summer and the sun is to go to the beach and commune with nature.

Our Team in the company where we are working was lucky enough to be invited in a wedding anniversary celebration of our colleague from Australia. The reception was held at the Botona, Dahican, Beach Resort at Mati, Davao Oriental. I have no idea how long or how far Mati is from Davao City, so I gave it a go. The thought of the beaches and the surfboard triggered me to try Dahican Beach Resort. Of course, I did not set aside the idea that I was there to attend an event as a priority.

So on April 23, 2011 at 3:30 AM, all 6 of us assembled at the Ecoland terminal. Our goal is to take the first trip to Mati which is scheduled at 4:15 AM. So we still have roughly about 30 minutes to fill in our stomach and prepare for a long trip. Good thing there are a lot of stalls open 24/7 around Ecoland terminal.

At 4:15 AM, we are all on board the bus bound to Mati. It was a whooping more than 5 hours travel by bus. But you will never get bored because you will see a lot of great and green scenery along the way. You can sleep if you want, but you will never miss a single scene on the road.

At past 8:00 AM, we already arrived at the portal of Davao Oriental. You will know it's Davao Oriental if all you can see are green mountains and blue seas. I was just a little bit sleepy that time, but when I saw the sea, I feel like alive again. And yes, I also saw the sleeping dragon that they are talking about. It is a small island that looks like a dragon sleeping.

Now, how can you afford to go to sleep on travel if all you can see is nature at its best all over?

We arrived at Mati, Davao Oriental at around 10:10 AM. We stayed at Mati terminal for a while. We realized we haven't brought anything to eat with us. So we decided to go to their marketplace to buy some food and stuff before heading off to the beach. They have a neat marketplace and very organize. The people are nice and accommodating too.

The long hours of travel is nothing compared to the inviting calmness of the sea. Well, nothing's really special about the beach, except for the big waves ideal for surfing. So at 12:00 PM, we had our lunch courtesy of the event that we had attended.

The party has ended at around 3 PM, so we still had the whole afternoon and the whole night to enjoy the sea.This is what Dahican Beach Resort can offer you:

White Sand

Cozy Place to chill

Great Wave for Surfing

Friendly tiny creatures on the seaside

Surf board

Cool Ambiance

Sexy Chiks

DISCLAIMER: This is not prostitution....lol

Smiling faces

Perfect Sunset

And most of all....

The Beach itself:

And we are there to make a perfect summer experience.

A lot of celebrities and other surf enthusiasts are eyeing Dahican Beach resort as their next destination because the waves promised so much excitement and fun. So what are you waiting for? Spend your summer at Botona Dahican Beach Resort at Davao Oriental.


  1. Oki, thanks for another place i wanna see, like i didn't have enough! Just kidding, loved it and especially panorama over oceanbay with sleeping dragon, great shot!

  2. I should ask apology for that shot because I took the shot while the vehicle is moving and I am using a 1.3 megapixel cellphone camera. But thanks for appreciating anyway.


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